December 11, 2013

AJ Jump

The new Animal Jam app is finally for sale on Google Play, Amazon, and the App store!

Video and picture are courtesy of
Sorry for no sound in the video, it's my first time recording something with a mac.

Jam on!

December 10, 2013

Deer Have Arrived + Holiday Gifts

First off, deer are here!

Both avatars and pets! Be sure to get a pet reindeer if you can!

There is also a new plush for the deer!

So cute…. I want it :O

Here is a picture of my deer.

Definitely worth a BUCK, ain't it? X3

Along with the holiday gifts you get every day when you log in! Sorry for no picture, I'm
kind of in a hurry to post the latest news.

Jam on!

December 9, 2013

Play-As-Your-Pet Party

As the title of this get together is called, you can play as your pet! Neat, eh'?

Here is my epic duck wizard!

Random, yes. :3

I've found a glitch which makes some pets invisible with numbers as their names...

Maybe someone owns an invisible wizard with the name #6349?
X3 Randomness, I know.

Jam on!

Holiday Hullabaloo

Hey, Jammers! Sorry for not being so active in a while. The holidays are getting bunched up and too full to blog about anything, so yeah. I'll try to blog from now on, and hopefully it will work out.

Peace out to you bros!

UPDATE: New Animal, Adventure Stuff, and More

So Hey, Jammers! It's been a while since I've posted. So for this post, there's a (sort of)
big update to show you!
Here are the pages for Jamaa Journal:

The deer are coming!

X2 on all games and the Game invites have arrived,

The mushroom hut has returned and you can now play hard mode in the
"Great Escape" adventure!

And a new app coming out?

Lots of news! I'll show you the mushroom hut here in the coral canyons
den shop.

Along with a few things on clearance.

That's all folks! :3

November 3, 2013

History Blog Change

So. I don't really think posting items and Rare Item Mondays is really my thing anymore. I'm thinking on changing this blog to a Animal Jam History blog, to have all the updates and changes throughout the game. 
There is another blog that I give credit to for inspiring me to start blogging:

Snowyclaw is a really nice person who is very busy and yet still has time to blog, which really kept me going with this blog. But I want my blog to be different from others, so I decided on making this blog for the History of the one and only.

I still care about you guys, so I'll put up a poll (If anyone is reading this XP) for anyone who wants to possibly object to my idea.

Jam On and Vote!

November 1, 2013

Fail Fri. A Gaggle of Glitches =P

I've got a bunch of glitches (and other odd things) for you, folks! :P Hope you enjoy them! 

Here is a glitch that lots of Jammers have been experiencing...

I was invisible when playing "The Hive". It was quite amusing to be a phantom =3

Here is me making a face with the map! (See the fish face?)

Ever seen a penguin fly?

I logged on to AJ sometime I don't really remember, and see how empty it was O_O

 Okay. So I see this dude walking around Town with all this rare crud with the name

I was like, "How did he get all that stuff?!" I would understand if it were just a storage account but
if it wasn't, I would be flipin' out, bro. (_(

I seemed to have lost my nose in Sarepia forest...

And in the adventures, I entered the game and I found the "Join Me" adventure tag
following me around.

Last but not least, here is a picture of me with a Scorpion eyeball/Creature thing

WAIT! I got one more thing up my sleeve...

I love ducks!!! XP
Jam on!

Topaz Birthstone

AJHQ has released the gemstone of the month in the Epic Wonders shop!

My Precious!  'O'

Witch Masks, Cannons, and Bat masks

I shall first show you guys and gals the Witch masks and Bat masks in the Jam Mart
clothes shop!

I know, I know. I was a bit late on posting for the bat masks.
There is a new underwater den item that is pretty sweet for underwater stuff!

That's all folks! (Who even says that anymore? X3)

Scorpion Armor Batch #2

Here is batch #2 for Scorpion armor!

Scorpions! =D
Jam On!

Happy Halloween!

Happy late Halloween everyone! :P I was a bit busy on Halloween so I couldn't post on the appropriate day.

So yeah, Jam On!

October 29, 2013

Halloween Under the Sea

I've found a few underwater items in the Bahari Bargains shop!

The Nessie mask is pretty freaky O.O

Jam On! :P

October 28, 2013

Rare Item Monday #10

Here is the rare item for today:

Scary elf bracelets :P
Sorry I couldn't do the Fail Fri. post! The problem was that I was a bit busy, and I couldn't find enough glitches or funny subjects to post >.< I have one thing to kind of make up for it :P
It's the void of nothing-ness :O

Jam on! :3

October 26, 2013

Scorpion Armor: Batch #1

Scorpion armor is coming out in the Epic Wonders shop!

Pretty cool, eh? Maybe they have some kind of adventures perks or something.
I'll post the rest of the armor when they come out :)

October 24, 2013

Candy Coral Hats and Scorpions

Random title there ^ X3 Well, I should explain to you
about candy coral hats and scorpions :P
First off, beta Candy Bowls returned :( I wish AJHQ would
keep things rare and make new stuff instead of getting lazy and
bringing back old stuff.
Btw you can get the Candy Bowl in Jam Mart furniture.
Next is the Coral Tombstone, which can be found in Kani cove's store.
Second to last is the returning Phantom Hat in Jam Mart clothing.
And last but DEFINATELY not least, there are rumors about some new upcoming armor!
This will be in the Epic Wonders shop and won't be sold in the Diamond Shop.
Jam On! :D

The Great Escape

Holy banana babies! There is a new adventure to
 try out and related stuff!
The new adventure is called:

The Great Escape

I found the entrance to the adventure near The Hive's entrance with a pretty cool
phantom in the photo.

It's a pretty cool adventure! If I could rate this adventure from
1-5 stars, I would give this one a 5.
Now you can actually go anywhere in Jamaa to find someone
 to play with you in the adventures!
Jam On, and You Know What's Next: