Here is the Wind Neclace and Helmet!
August 31, 2013
Giant Gum Ball Machine
Here is a new item that has come out!
This Giant Gum Ball Machine is another animated item that just came out!
Only 850 gems :3
August 28, 2013
So Many Views!
600 Views already?! Wow, thank you guys so much! I'm so happy that
lots of people are getting to see my blog!
You guys are awesome peeps!
August 27, 2013
August 26, 2013
AJHQ's Posts
Hello there! I would just like to show you guys a few of AJHQ's posts! :D
We have all known this for a while, haven't we? I like to show my adventure level with a green nametag /\ 3 /\
Those Mega Plushies look so cute! ^.^
I guess AJHQ wants us to remember about the journey books.
Oh, look here! We can send photos of us doing synchronized swimming!
I'd like to participate in this...
Rare Item Monday #2
Today's rare for this Monday is...
Rare Nerd Glasses!
I bought A LOT of them and that's why it looks like I can't
afford it :3
August 25, 2013
Blog Archive
Hey everybody, I just added a new blog archive that's easy to use, and now you
can navigate this blog easily with no hassle!
Not On Too Much
Man, my internet connection is SO SLOW that I can't even be on for 5 minutes.
After a few minutes, I get a black Animal Jam screen and a notice pops up that says,
"You where gone for too long and got logged out!
Click OK to play again!"
I mean, I was just walking around with my little musketeer horse, and I
get kicked off for no reason. :/
Stop Bullying!
Who hasn't been bullied before? Maybe a few of you, but bullying is apparently common on Animal Jam.
None of us like bullies. I can't think about how someone would possibly
like being bullied. So hey, bullies, why would you do something like that?
Okay, so here's the thing - bullies used to be normal people.
Yeah, I know what you are thinking,
But it's true.
Bullies have probably been through something in their personal
life that has corrupted them, or they might just be regular people
who must be having a pretty bad day, and is just taking out their
anger on everyone.
Bullies are still human beings, and human beings CAN change.
Make friends with them, try to have them change their mind about being
a bully. If they don't accept your generous gift of kindness, leave them be.
It shouldn't be a problem to you that they have something bad to say.
Yes, the bully will say something mean to you that really gets on your nerves,
and you want to say something offensive back, but don't. Keep calm.
They just want a reaction from you.
If they say something AND don't want to be your friend, just report and
block them. Pass on the bully's username to a friend so they can report and block
them, and your friend might pass that information on to their friends and it will just
keep going on and on and on!
You could also contact AJHQ by their support email
and report this bully!
Bullies, I am really disappointed in you. You have probably made
that person you just bullied cry, quit Animal Jam, and probably
made THEM a bully too. Yes, you had just made them a bully
so they could feel better about themselves.
What do you have to say about that?
Children even as young as THREE YEARS OLD play Animal Jam. Don't get
them all teary-eyed because of you. Would YOU like to get bullied?
As said by many,
"Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated."
Soon I will be making a "Bully Types" post for all bullying situations.
Soon I will be making a "Bully Types" post for all bullying situations.
August 24, 2013
Stop Innapropriate Behaviour!
Yes. We have all seen it before, "If you like me, come to my den!" Or in a "Restaurant", "Can I get a "Drink"? You know what I'm talking about, right waiter?" And other innapropriate things to say.
I really disagree about these kids (Or teens) saying such things, because there are much younger children playing this game! Why would someone want to corrupt such an innocent being in the world?
I say STOP to the innapropriate behaivour and wish for all of those out there to learn what is
best for the future adults of the world.
Please know that we must pass on this important message to everyone
in Animal Jam so we won't have a future generation of evil/corruption!
If you see someone doing/saying anything innapropriate, report and block them, then
pass on this information to a friend so they might report and block, then pass on this
information to their friends, and it might keep going on and on! Soon AJHQ will
get the message that this Jammer was innapropriate, and will take proper measures
of disipline!
This is why AJHQ created the "Safety Badge" to report any Jammer who is
breaking the Animal Jam rules!
We could also send a report to AJHQ's support number or email and tell them
about this innapropriate Jammer!
So to all of you innapropriates out there, please be more responsible
in what you say and do, and be a good Jammer! Animal Jam isn't a dating site or
a site to do things in a most unacceptable way to pass on to younger children!
This game was created for the entertainment of the younger generation and
possibly just for seeing your true friends from the non-virtual world!
Shouldn't we be thankful for that?
Adventure Secrets
Remember when I said I would give out the secrets in the adventures when the blog got 500 page views? well IT JUST GOT 500 VIEWS! X3
Okay, so first thing's first.
On the first adventure that is available to everyone, go on hard mode. Hard mode is
where the jackpot is.
So you go on hard mode and try to complete the level. But WAIT! There is more
to this adventure than just a super rare item! There are also hidden chests all around
the map, 6 in total (6 Chests are all that I have found anyway :3), with many gems to save
up for other things like Rare Item Monday!
up for other things like Rare Item Monday!
Here are a few pictures on where all the chests are!
Over in this area near the gateway to the bunnies
has a secret passage right below where I'm
Just go down and you will find 100 Gems!
After you get that, you have to plug all the Phantom pipes to get
all the other chests.
When you are done clogging the Phantom pipes, go to
where the last pipes are all the way to the right of the
map, and there will be an easy to spot chest.
Also, near the bunny named Cookie at the other end of the river,
below her is a chest with 400 gems!
Then at both ends of the river, there are chests that both
have 200 gems.
Then when you water all of the plants in this area, get the key from the Bunnies' burrow,
unlock the phantom door and go in, you will find yourself
in another area. In this area, you have to find all the keys and unlock the trapped
bunnies. At the beginning of the second area, just go straight past
the tall grass (The hiding kind) and walk through the trees. You will find a phantom
in there waiting for you, and on some occasions, you will find a key to use on one
of the bunnies' cages. go to the bottom of the little tree enclosure and you will find
a chest with 300 gems!
Okay, so that is just about all of the hidden chests.
Now we go and see how to get easy rares! ^.^
Then we go to findin' all these keys from around the map. I'm sure
you can find all the keys on your own ^.^
To get better items from what Liza gives you as a gift from
saving the bunnies, you must unlock the bunnies in this
specific order:
Snowball, Jack, Daisy, Oliver.
These are the names of the trapped bunnies.
So after you unlock the bunnies in this specified order, you must ALWAYS
pick the bottom right gift chest for a rare/beta item.
This "Easy Rare Obtainment" works 80% of the time, and if you don't
get a rare after the first 3 tries, just comment below! ^.^
Hope this helps all the Jammers out there!
August 23, 2013
Animal Jam Is OFFLINE
Awww... Looks like Animal Jam is offline...
I was in the adventures when the warnings were coming in, and it looked like AJHQ was making a new update for Animal Jam! =^{D
But no worries, at least Animal Jam isn't shutting down
COMPLETELY or anything ^.^
Oh, it just came back on. :3
New Stuff
Here is a Desk and Table for the starting school year!
And some new armor for underwater creatures!
They kind of reminds me of a stegosaurus and a rhinoceros... :3
New Poll
I spotted a new poll in Jamaa Township...
I hope AJHQ is making an IOS app so we can all take care of our
animals and play games for gems that can be syncronized with our
Animal Jam account!
Jammer Art And Epic Den Of The Week
Here is some Jammer Art for this week!
By: Arctic Wolf
By: Fuzzy Shybird
By: Little MagicPaw
By: Princess HappyFlower
By: Rosy MagicStar
Last but not least, this week's epic den belongs to:
Enchanted FrozenCloud!
Meet Cosmo!
Here are some pics from the newest adventure "Meet Cosmo"!
Here is Cosmo!
Musical Pipes! =D
Unwatered Crops...
Watered Crops!
Also, you might want to bring a tiger with you
on this new adventure...
And further more, THANK YOU AJHQ for adding the Boomseeds to use against the phantoms!
I tried this adventure and it's pretty fun! =D Even when it's in the beta phase.
August 22, 2013
August 20, 2013
Rare Item Monday #1
Here is yesterday's AJHQ's post for rare item monday! (Sorry for the late post :P)
I think the bonnet will look cute on my koala! /\ . /\
(I have now decided that I will add # to the rare item moday post so it will be easy to tell them apart.)
August 18, 2013
Adventure Stuff
Found this in the Diamond Shop :3
Bass Camp :D

Also found someone with Nerd Glasses on their trade list,
And new High Heels in the Jam Mart!
I apparently found a lot of new items around Jamaa :3
August 17, 2013
Adventures Secrets (Slingshots)
Ever wanted a slingshot of your own? I can tell you where to get one! It's a secret held by members that have probably not told anyone else about it.
And yes, the rumors are true that you can get slingshots from the adventures.
I will tell the world when this blog gets 500 page views :3
It took me a while to find out where the slingshots were and how to get them ^3^ I had to find the slingshots myself and it took a few hours actually.
Bad Internet Connection
Sorry about having some news being delayed until after some time. It's just that I have really, and I mean REALLY bad internet connection.
It's only really laggy when it's Sunday or Monday, so please excuse the inconvenience ^3^
Access Denied ;-;
Oh my goodness, when I was checking the blog, I got redirected to a page that said, "Page Access Denied - Only invited readers may access this page."
For a few minutes I was panicking and thinking that I got hacked! But no worries - after a few minutes of panicking and thinking about who had hacked me, I checked the blog again to see if I was still denied. I came to the home page like nothing ever happened.
Silly Blog :3
August 16, 2013
Adventures Update!
The Adventures Base Camp now has a new layout for all the new adventures coming soon!
Sorry no pictures because the camp is too big :3
Carnival Sale!
Now everything at the Summer Carnival is for half price only! You read that right, everything is on sale NOW for half the tickets it used to be!
Check out all the cool stuff that's for sale now before the Carnival moves away!
Jammer Art And Epic Den Of The Week
Here is some Jammer Art!
By: Blossom RockyFlower!
By: Magical DaisyFlower!
By: Crashing Strong Jammer!
By: Seargent ArcticBrave!
By: Twinkle TinyToes!
Finally last but not least,
The Epic Den Of The Week Belongs To:
Darling SleepyJammer!
More Kimbara Imports!
Kimbara Imports now includes Lanterns and Golden Wattle flowers!
Those flowers will be a nice addition to my garden ^.^
Also, the Golden Wattle is Australia's floral emblem, and it's scientific term is Acacia Pycnantha! :P Got a bit nerdy there.
August 12, 2013
Rare Cool Hair
Today's rare item is Rare Cool Hair!
Now there are two kinds of rare hair: the non member hair and the member's cool hair. ^.^
August 11, 2013
Police Hats Have Returned!
The title says it all :D
Also, Spiked Wristbands are now available in the Diamond Shop for 3 Diamonds!
Too bad Diamonds are only a weekly members gift ^-(\
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