October 29, 2013

Halloween Under the Sea

I've found a few underwater items in the Bahari Bargains shop!

The Nessie mask is pretty freaky O.O

Jam On! :P

October 28, 2013

Rare Item Monday #10

Here is the rare item for today:

Scary elf bracelets :P
Sorry I couldn't do the Fail Fri. post! The problem was that I was a bit busy, and I couldn't find enough glitches or funny subjects to post >.< I have one thing to kind of make up for it :P
It's the void of nothing-ness :O

Jam on! :3

October 26, 2013

Scorpion Armor: Batch #1

Scorpion armor is coming out in the Epic Wonders shop!

Pretty cool, eh? Maybe they have some kind of adventures perks or something.
I'll post the rest of the armor when they come out :)

October 24, 2013

Candy Coral Hats and Scorpions

Random title there ^ X3 Well, I should explain to you
about candy coral hats and scorpions :P
First off, beta Candy Bowls returned :( I wish AJHQ would
keep things rare and make new stuff instead of getting lazy and
bringing back old stuff.
Btw you can get the Candy Bowl in Jam Mart furniture.
Next is the Coral Tombstone, which can be found in Kani cove's store.
Second to last is the returning Phantom Hat in Jam Mart clothing.
And last but DEFINATELY not least, there are rumors about some new upcoming armor!
This will be in the Epic Wonders shop and won't be sold in the Diamond Shop.
Jam On! :D

The Great Escape

Holy banana babies! There is a new adventure to
 try out and related stuff!
The new adventure is called:

The Great Escape

I found the entrance to the adventure near The Hive's entrance with a pretty cool
phantom in the photo.

It's a pretty cool adventure! If I could rate this adventure from
1-5 stars, I would give this one a 5.
Now you can actually go anywhere in Jamaa to find someone
 to play with you in the adventures!
Jam On, and You Know What's Next:


October 23, 2013

Scary Antlers Return

Well, look at what just came back to stores!

Man, and they used to be so rare. =3
You can find this in Jam Mart clothing.

The Superhero's Return

The Superhero Cape returned for Halloween!

I don't really favor the new colors though... They look faded. :/

October 21, 2013

Airplane Wings and More Return

Wow, the beta Airplane Wings returned to Jamaa!

Those used to be so beta XP I wonder if Headdresses will come back... If they do, then that would be awesome! But then all of the other people's efforts at getting headdresses will be gone to waste.
I've also found something new (Well to me it's new :3 I don't know if it's a returning item.) Along with the Airplane Wings:

I think the little rat is cute! =D

Jam On!

Rare Item Monday #9

This rare is new to come to Jamaa, It's the Rare Scary Halo! (Well there is a non-rare version of this in the Horse Party but whatever =3)

I think it's looks kind of cool!

Get them now before they go and for some reason get super rare! XP

AJHQ's Posts and Awesome Jammer Art

I have got to keep blogging here for you guys >.< I've been getting lazy!
Here are all of AJHQ's posts; new and missed ones that I might have over-looked.
 Free downloads for Alpha Masks :P

AJHQ is always reminding us about the Tarantulas :|
We don't need andless reminders, AJHQ :P
Remember this: Be safe Online wherever you go!
Now, for the Jammer Art!

By: Arctic Wolf

By: Eternal Windyfox

By: Little Cutedolphin

By: Sparkle Prettyfriend

By: Prancing Coolpet
Jam On and Be Safe Online!

Arrow In The Head + Creature Mask = Lunch XD

There are new items (I'm kind of getting tired of this XP) in Jam Mart clothing!

First is the new Silly Arrow; good for role-play in my opinion :3

And the rare/beta creature masks have returned for Halloween!!!

It's perfect for that Halloween costume this month! :D
I wish they were non-member items though .3.

And for the lunch part XD
Nyan Poptart Cat 030


October 19, 2013

Masks, Helmets, and Glasses

Lots o' new items have been returning to shops lately! A few of them used to be rare, too. There is also an interesting new head item being sold.
First, I would like to show you the Bat Glasses which are now being sold in
Jam Mart clothing. They came back out with the original color patterns:

In Mt. Shiveer, Angry Pumpkin Masks are being sold once again. I think it's the original
color batch:

In the Epic Wonders shop, the Phantom Masks have made a come back to the land of Jamaa!

Then last but not least, the new Brain Helmets are being sold in Jam Mart clothing:
The Brain Helmet isn't really my thing though :3

October 18, 2013

Fail Fri. Glitches Galore

Here are some weird pictures of glitches around Jamaa:

Apparently, cheetahs wearing phantom masks have no pupil which is kind of scary O_O

This one is strange, because I wasn't in "Edit Den" mode… I could still turn the couch around and stuff o3o

Here is a picture of me swimming in the rocks! :D

And me standing on the water, like a pro XD

This isn't really a glitch, but I will just show it here :3 It appears that my snake has found a way to get into one of Kimbara Outback's waterfalls.

That's all, folks! XD

Jam on!

News Crew Results and Jammer Snaps

The News Crew assignment results have come in!

I didn't win ;-; But congrats to Fuzzy Majorclaws

I'm so sad right now! I worked for so long on my article… Well probably a lot of people have.

A new Jammer Snaps has been released, and this time the theme is "Spooky Dens"

Imma try winning dis one next.

Scared and Evil Jack-o'-Lanterns

Hi Jammers! Today I would like to show you the scared and evil jack-o'-lanterns!

Here is the scared one:

Then here is the evil one:

Good for Halloween purposes ^-^

October 17, 2013

Coral Phantom Statue

Got a new New underwater den item here:

I wonder where it came from? Hmm...

You can get this in the underwater den item shop :I

October 15, 2013

Cool Den of the Week

Nothing to say here...

Nothing to say about it .-.

Underwater Clown Masks Make a Come Back and More

This is perfect for an underwater creepy costume party...

That clown mask is just creepy DX

And with this skeleton suit,

Here is what it adds up to:

It's a horror game character!!! 
I shall name it Manny! XP

Whoever spots Manny swimming around (Which shall be me) and shouts out, "Manny!", will get a surprise gift!
Have fun searching! =3