August 10, 2013

Beta Days Coming Back?

(As in "Beta Days" I mean new items coming out and all the other items being dropped down in value and there being a new "Become Extremely Rare" age.)

Have you been seeing jammers say, "The Beta Days are coming back!" ? It might be true due to all the new items that are coming out and how much the rarest items in Jamaa are decreasing in value, as seen in the Diamond Shop.

Or, they could just be over-reacting to all the new items that have come to be in the stores because they don't want to be down-casted from being rare to baren of all their rare items. Some people are like that, I met them when I saw a "No Beta Days" riot. :3

I actually promote the "Beta Days" to come back ( If it is coming back) so more people can have a chance at getting cool rare items that might come out, so EVERYONE can be equally rare and no rare people can beat down on the newbies in AJ.

So if you have anything to say about the "Beta Days", feel free to comment below! ^.^

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