September 30, 2013

Yet Another Collar Is Here.

How many collars is AJHQ planning to make?!

I have only collars in my sights for the future of AJ...

Just kidding XD

Fails Friday

Just want to ask you guys, Should I make a Fails Friday?

I am wondering if that every Friday, I would post a funny glitch(s) or story that could make this blog a bit more exciting!

So I'll put a poll up on the right side of this post that will ask if I should do a Fails Friday and if you're reading this blog, please vote! It's ok if you don't want a Fails Friday, just asking you guys and gals.

I love Le Derps :3

Rare Item Monday #6

Well this item has an interesting look to it...

Finally another rare den item! AJHQ even made it for non-members, too!

Jellyfish Hat

Have you seen the new underwater item?

I wouldn't really recommend a jellyfish being a hat though... X3

September 28, 2013



find a mustache of your own in Jam Mart Clothing ^-^

Sorry I just really like mustaches ^-^

September 27, 2013

Spiked Mohawk and Migration Banners

Look at this new item in Jam Mart Clothing!

Quite interesting if you ask me...

Also, have you seen these migration banners around?

This is one that I found in Mt. Shiveer.

You can find migration banners in every one of the areas in Jamaa, which comes up to 12 banners in total. Can you find them all?

September 26, 2013


WOW What a big update! See what's been released here!

New Item!

New look in Jamaa Township!

And last but not least, the entire Jamaa Journal! I only included pictures because it's
all too much to tell you!

Happy Jamming!!!!!

September 25, 2013

Pirate Beard

Here is an item to go with the pirate hat!

I'm gonna buy every color to either trade or wear later on
 when they get taken out of the store ^.^

I Was Fooled By a Scammer

I don't really want to explain the whole story because it is VERY long and drawn out and probably super boring to you guys. Just to make it simple, I got scammed for the first time ever in Animal Jam.

So some dude on Animal Jam was saying he was quitting and was giving away his super rare items like a Lava glove and a red Feather mask. After a while of trying to trade him, he scammed my


I was so mad that he actually got my newly collected rare headdress that I only got yesterday.

The scammer's name was "AwesomeFluffyWolf" beware of this scammer and don't EVER trust this person, no matter how convincing he may be. I found out that he is a BIG scammer and scamming is how he got the Lava glove and Feather mask, and possibly other items that he was hiding.

I'm not asking for donations like most people so you don't have to ask about it.

But if you really want to help me I will be forever grateful X3 But seriously I will be forever grateful.

Jam On and Don't Be a Scammer, Be a Jammer!

September 24, 2013

Rare Item Monday #5 and a Returning Item

Here is Monday's rare!
Not really my thing though...
To change the subject, the Pirate Hats have returned!

Good thing I traded all of mine :P
I love pirate hats because I can look like Captain Jack Sparrow!

September 23, 2013

Bronze Alpha Statues and More

AJHQ posted two articles on the Daily Explorer recently; bronze alpha statues, and a
little something for the family ^.^

Cool beans! National Geographic will be giving each one of the 6 lucky winners one Amazon gift card with $25!
But for some reason, it said it would be held from January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013...
The post was a little bit late, AJHQ :3

Eye patch

Looks like AJHQ put the non-member eye patches in stores!

You can find these eye patches in Jam Mart Clothing!

In other news, Here is another glitch I spotted...

My character picture says I'm a koala.


XD Jam On!

September 21, 2013

Beaded Necklace

Here's a little something I spotted in the Jam Mart Clothing shop!

I like the different colors you can change the necklace to ^.^

September 20, 2013

Friend Safety and Jammer Art!

Here is AJHQ's post on friend safety!

And some Jammer art!

By: Awesome CuteRose

By: Blossom MagicFlower

By: Daredevil CuteClaw

By: Enchanted IcyLily 
By: Enchanted SpiritStar
Jam On!

Moments Like These

That moment when your mom is talking to you about stealing from other people when you are trying to trade someone :|

Cone Collar

Here is a new thing from the Medical Center shop

Reminds me of when my dog got a rash or fleas or something :3

Adventure Camp Rooms

Have you been to these little rooms?
Sent in by: Blue

These rooms in the Adventure Camp are near the upcoming adventure:
The Hive
Thanks blue for the picture! =D

September 19, 2013

Phantom Cell

Looks like the Alphas got a new cage for the phantoms :3

What's next? A phantom caged in a lava lamp? XD

Doctor's Bag

Check out this little doctor's bag!

I think it looks cute on a kangaroo! ^.^

News Crew - Back to School Assignment Results and More

Congratulations to the winner of the Back to School News Crew assignment!
Have you seen the latest Jammer Snaps assignment?

Here is the Epic Den of the Week!

I would also like to show you a little something weird...

Where did I go...?

September 18, 2013

The Adventures Store

Here are some of the things in the Adventures shop that I TOTALLY love!
We now have some pet phantoms! =^{D

An Unknown Item

Where are people getting these non-member eye-patches...?

I would love to know! :3

Migrating Elephants


They just might come back with something new, like an adventure or item of some sort!
Now I can get an elephant of my own! ^.^ Yay!

Rare Monday #4

Here is Monday's Rare!

This time I actually have nothing to say about this item of clothing :T

Sketch Jam

Here is something that is probably not too important...
I guess we all now have some new printable pictures to color X3

Wind Armor #2

Here are the other two pieces of Wind Armor :3

And I'm still trying to trade someone for the Tail Armor :T

What All The Updates Brought To Animal Jam

Yay Imma so happy! =D
The store in the Adventures Camp is FINALLY open. :3

And, Now the adventure Meet Cosmo can be played in hard mode!

September 13, 2013

AJ's Birthday!

Have you noticed the party list?

The Summer Carnival is gone now, but as you can see, there is a birthday party for AJ's big
Also, here is a little picture of the top of the party!

Jam on!

Medical Center!

Looks like there is a returned building from the Beta Days!

I think these new items and the building will be popular for a while! ^.^
You can find the Medical Center in Kimbara Outback!