September 3, 2013

Don't Take These People!

Today, I just met a bully in the Diamond Shop. At first she was just trading me for my new Wind armor with Scary Bat Wings that are easily obtainable in the adventures. I declined every time she tried because I actually didn't want them. I had like, what, 4 pairs? I know that was over the line for getting Scary Bats.

 Anyway, So she traded me a few times and she said, "That was totally a fair trade!" I said, "Sorry, I don't really want it." She called me something I don't even want to blog, and I was fuming! Then I remembered what a bully wants -


I calmed down a little and told her, "Keep your paws off me. Go prance in the fields. And while you're at it, get some manners."
And I walked out of the shop.

While I was walking out of the shop, I reported her and blocked her, then I sent a report to the
AJHQ's support e-mail address.

She was really angry about that and didn't even spam me or follow me everywhere after the predicament. 

Like I said in the title, Don't Take These People!
 You don't need to take whatever crud those foul creatures say!

If you were wondering, her name is "mylovepaws"

How can someone with such a cute name be such a jerk?


  1. I had something like that happen. Or, at least I got bullied. Someone kept saying some panda was really fat. I had just walked by and thought that was mean. And I found out she was talking about me! I got super mad! And told her I was NOT fat! Then she kept say that I was. I told her (and some other people did too) that she was really rude. She then said that every one hated me and wished I was dead. :( People got really really mad at her. Then she said she was sorry, and asked forgiveness. I said I forgave her, but other pandas probably wouldn't have be so forgiving. Pandas seem to get bullied a lot, and its so hurtful! I'm still pretty wounded. But forgiveness is the answer. In the Bible it says to love those who curse you, and forgive someone 70x7 times if they ask forgiveness for doing the same offence. It doesn't actually mean 490 is the only amount of forgiveness you can give someone who wronged/is wronging you, it just means a lot.

    ~ your slightly terrorized friend

    (by *your* I'll be everyone who reads this awesome blog's friend ^^)

    1. I'm soooooooooooooooo sorry about that! If I were there I would help you out....:(

  2. OH MY ZIOS SRSLY I think that you handled that well! Don't worry about someone saying something like that, it shouldn't be your problem that they have something bad to say! Hope you heal fast!
