September 25, 2013

I Was Fooled By a Scammer

I don't really want to explain the whole story because it is VERY long and drawn out and probably super boring to you guys. Just to make it simple, I got scammed for the first time ever in Animal Jam.

So some dude on Animal Jam was saying he was quitting and was giving away his super rare items like a Lava glove and a red Feather mask. After a while of trying to trade him, he scammed my


I was so mad that he actually got my newly collected rare headdress that I only got yesterday.

The scammer's name was "AwesomeFluffyWolf" beware of this scammer and don't EVER trust this person, no matter how convincing he may be. I found out that he is a BIG scammer and scamming is how he got the Lava glove and Feather mask, and possibly other items that he was hiding.

I'm not asking for donations like most people so you don't have to ask about it.

But if you really want to help me I will be forever grateful X3 But seriously I will be forever grateful.

Jam On and Don't Be a Scammer, Be a Jammer!

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